体育 & 娱乐
体育 are everywhere at BW. Whether you're a varsity athlete, play on a club sport team, or intramural competitor, 大多数BW学生参加某种体育或健身活动. 这是因为你会发现一项活动和竞争水平几乎适合任何学生.
Varsity 体育运动
一代又一代的学生运动员以鲍德温·华莱士为傲,热爱这项运动. 俄亥俄州体育大会(OAC)的创始成员,BW是NCAA第三分部的一部分. 的 Yellow Jackets offer 28 varsity sports (14 men and 14 women), of which 23 compete under the OAC banner.
BW的学生运动员在各自的运动欧博allbet和课堂上都表现出色. Since 1969-70, BW有129名学生运动员被选为全美学术运动员,在OAC中最多,在全国NCAA三级学院中排名第13位.
Find out more about the Yellow Jackets at bwyellowjackets.com.
Campus 娱乐
BW校园娱乐为学生提供了广泛的欧博allbet和设施,以获得一个全面的娱乐和健康的努力. 这些机会为学生提供了许多放松的资源, meet new friends, 挑战他们的竞争欲望,在校园内外进行互动. Students can choose from leadership training, certification workshops, 每天, weekly and/or monthly programming options. 继续阅读有关校园娱乐机会的详细信息.
Competitive Club Sport Teams
如果你有兴趣并渴望在校外竞争, you may be interested in joining one of BW's club sport teams. 我们有竞争力的俱乐部运动队与全国其他大学俱乐部比赛, 提供更高水平的比赛,强调乐趣和健康. BW club sport teams have won several national championships, and the teams often compete against the highest caliber of clubs in the country.
参加俱乐部运动队的学生也享受作为团队成员的社会福利, including travel to competitions (sometimes out of state), intra-club activities, practices, instruction and tournament play. Competitive club sport teams include:
- 攀爬
- Men's Racquetball
- Women's Racquetball
- 男人的橄榄球
- Women's Rugby
- 航行
BW还提供俱乐部运动和活动,这些活动不会与其他学院竞争. 这些俱乐部运动可能是竞争性的(在BW社区内),娱乐性或指导性的. BW even has an archery range right on campus!
- 射箭
- 台球
- 骑自行车
- 武术
- Rock climbing
- 运行
- SCUBA/snorkeling
- Ski/snowboard
Outdoor Adventure Club
Would you enjoy a ski trip or 皮划艇? Or maybe you'd rather just take a bike ride through the Metroparks. BW的户外探险俱乐部组织旅行和活动,以及出借设备,如自行车和露营装备,让你可以享受伟大的户外.
Annual trips include the Florida Keys; whitewater rafting in West Virginia, Pennsylvania and North Carolina; rock climbing in West Virginia and Kentucky; ski trips to New York; and camping and hiking throughout the year.
- 野营
- 划独木舟
- 钓鱼
- 徒步旅行
- Ice 攀爬
- 皮划艇
- Mountain biking
- Paddleboarding
- Rock climbing
- 滑雪
- Whitewater rafting
Intramural 体育
每年, 成千上万的BW学生在全国规模最大的大学中最广泛的校内欧博allbet之一中相互竞争. BW有40个校内运动欧博allbet,包括篮球、橄榄球、排球、极限飞盘等. 学生们有很多选择,通过参加校内体育活动来保持活跃和结识朋友.
整个学年都提供锦标赛和联赛,由各种能力水平的个人和团队组成. One day tournaments are also offered, including: billiards, table tennis, canoe battleship, 皮划艇, football and cornhole. BW offers men, women and coed leagues.
BW的电子竞技 Club
BW电子竞技俱乐部将校园里各种背景的玩家团结在一起(竞技), 休闲, 或好奇)进入一个主要目标是创建一个社区的空间. 的 BW的电子竞技 Club promotes 休闲 and competitive gaming, community-based events, the growth of esports, healthy gaming habits, social interaction, and personal growth and development.
的 facilities at Lou Higgins 娱乐 Center, including the workout facilities, weight rooms, pool and racquetball courts, are available for use by all students. You can exercise on your own schedule, 与私人教练一起工作或参加团体健身班. Lou Higgins features include:
- State of the art cardio equipment
- Free weights and strength line equipment
- Functional training areas
- 200-meter indoor track
- 模块化球场篮球,排球,网球,匹克球和羽毛球
学生健康和自然Rx倡议支持学生的身心健康,通过有意的节目. BW offers a wide range of classes, including Zumba, turbo-kick and insanity, 训练营, conditioning, indoor cycling, water fitness, yoga and pilates. Our classes are offered for all levels from beginner to advanced.
的 centerpiece of athletic facilities at BW is the Lou Higgins 娱乐 Center, home to varsity athletics, sports and recreation programs and the Department of Allied Health, Sport and 健康. 的 center includes Ursprung Gymnasium, the Harrison Dillard Track, 游泳馆, 广泛的健身设施和最先进的运动训练设施.
乔治芬尼体育场是黄夹克队的主场, lacrosse and soccer teams as well as outdoor track and field. 在芬尼球场内的特雷塞尔球场升级了新的草皮和安全垫,以减少脑震荡. 芬尼体育场内的跑道表面采用了奥运会质量的材料. 邻近的帕卡德运动中心为BW学生提供新的训练设施,并为足球和长曲棍球队提供办公室.
费舍尔球场(棒球)和BW垒球场是全草皮球场, giving BW the distinction of being the 美洲国家联盟第一所拥有全草皮棒垒球场地的学校.